The Modern Progressive Home

Home Automation is a lesser known term. It basically means anything that can be done automatically in the home that otherwise would require human intervention. Think of things like, turning on the kettle without having to walk to the kitchen, start running a bath just how you like it before you finish taking off your shoes or your favourite music playing when u shout for it and changing rooms as you move round the house. All of this has been possible for years. Nowadays everyone has a smart assistant in the house but back when i started if we wanted devices to be integrated it required physical connections and devices, firmware updates and custom macros just to get it working. I got into this area after becoming an aerial and satellite installer. This was a natural progression. I worked on many projects that required custom install and design work. These days I mainly look after my own stuff but on a much deeper level including writing my own software to hadrware device repair.

"I dont think of technology as work, it's kinda what i do, me and technology, we kinda had our prime years at the same time."

Andy Mitchell